Fridays are for Friends & Family 09.18.09

18 09 2009

This has been one of the most intense weeks of training I’ve ever experienced! CRM has kept us busy all week learning how to assist others in achieving their God-given potential through the skills of coaching. There have been countless ways they have helped us learn this craft: through practice, presentation and activity, to name a few. In the midst of the week, they showed us this video…and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. It’s such a great example of what a coach needs to be. The setting? Portland (coach Maurice Cheeks) and Dallas (coach Don Nelson) are in the NBA playoffs in 2003. Before the game, 13 year-old Natalie Gilbert is preparing to sing the National Anthem…she actually won a contest to earn the right to sing at this event. With that in mind, watch the video and see the difference a “coach” can make.

What do you think is the worst thing you can do “to” a church planter? Paul Watson, who is one of the leaders of the CityTeam crew actively pursuing church planting movements in North America, has an idea about that. This week I came across his interesting post that I think those of us who are involved in the ministry of church planting might need to ponder. You can check it out here.

On the other side of the church equation from church plants is mega-churches. Yesterday, USA Today newspaper posted an article on the largest churches in America, drawn from the research of Outreach magazine and LifeWay. They noted that these super-sized churches are “evangelical, contemporary.” Check out that article and the largest churches in our country here.

In my “tribe” some of our best ministry has been through the impact of the International Mission Board. This agency has been led by Dr. Jerry Rankin for the past 17 years. The Baptist Standard, a denominational newspaper in Texas, reported yesterday that Rankin has announced his retirement. You can read about that here.

Finally this week, if you’re into the social media market, that this is for you! Mashable, which bills itself as the social media guide, has posted a guidebook to Twitter, the micro-blog tool that is quite the rage these days. You can get to that guidebook here. Whether you’re starting out or an old pro who tweets regularly, send me a DM sometime; I can be found at bcmddavid.