Fridays are for Friends & Family 08.14.09

14 08 2009

Another week has come and gone, so with Friday upon us we turn our attention once again to what’s been happening of note around us on the Web this week. Let’s start with a very short video that has made every sports and news show this past week. The question everyone’s asking: is it real or not? What do you think?

On the denominational front this week, a new website has emerged authored by a handful of individuals, including our own BCM/D pastor/author David Phillips (see my blogroll on the side). The authors at are all Southern Baptist pastors and leaders. They have started the site

Authors promise not to take selves too seriously

Authors promise not to take selves too seriously

“with a series of posts designed to interact with a current important topic in SBC life, the Great Commission Resurgence (GCR) Task Force.  This seven-part series, entitled ‘If We Were The Great Commission Task Force…’, will provide a means for us to share some ideas that we’ve had about the task force, providing positive fodder for discussion.  The purpose will not be to provide a critique of decisions made by the group (as evidenced by our writing in advance of decisions they will make), but what we would do if we were the group itself.”

You can check it out here. Search the Category “Denominationalism” for the GCR posts.

shaun king standing big smile-1In church planting, if you’ve been following my blog for at least a few weeks you know that David Putman wrote a post about “mistakes” church planters make and I linked to it here. Following his post, I put up a couple of articles of my own dealing with this topic. Currently, others are writing on this too. Shaun King, planter of Courageous Church in Atlanta, a current practitioner, wrote on this from his perspective, too. His thoughts are different and will connect with some of you starting new churches. You can go to his article here.

In leadership this week, Leadership Network is hosting a unique training event called “The Nines” on September 9 (9/9/09, get it?), starting at 9:09am (that’s right).  It is

393207093-1a free one-day event that will take place totally on-line.  It is specifically designed for any church leaders who is interested in learning valuable things about church leadership….Leadership Network asked some of the church’s greatest communicators:  ‘If you had nine minutes to talk one-on-one with thousands of church leaders, what is the one thing that you would tell them?””

I’m planning to join the online training day and I want to encourage every church planter and pastoral leader to do the same. The lessons learned from over 50 key leaders in the American church will be invaluable. You can register for the FREE event here.

I’ll catch up with you all again next week!



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